Our virtual events are now available for your enjoyment on our Youtube page! Discover workshops and talks that we’ve been giving over the past month. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW8EprXuE_C0XR3eOawZX-g?
Want to attend the events live? Find a list of upcoming programs on our Eventbrite page: bit.ly/WBTeventbrite.
In addition to our programs, we also have other online initiatives, so that we can continue to connect with our community.
For example, see our current exhibit “John Lowman: Exhibition of Photography from the Conservation Area at Maplewood Flats” from the comfort of your own home. bit.ly/JohnLowmanExhibit
We will also be posting the latest updates and engaging with you on our social media, so make sure to follow us @maplewoodflats on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Stay safe!
2 thoughts on “View our virtual events!”
Hello, Just so you know. The link to watch past events isn’t activated.
Hi Kelsey! Thank you so much for letting us know. The link is now fixed 🙂