Spruce – Sitka (Pinus sitchensis)


SKU: N/A Category:

~1.5m tall

ts’its’icháyay̓ (sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim)

Pollen cones bloom late April to June. Seed cones mature mid-August. Seeds are eaten by many bird and rodent species; foliage browsed by deer and rabbits, as well as provides valuable winter cover and nesting spots for birds. All parts –roots, bark, wood, buds, needles, and pitch– are used as food, medicine, or building materials. Apply mulch around the root zone to retain moisture. Plant in acidic, well-drained soil. When pruning, only trim the current season’s growth and dieback.


large – sitka spruce – 2 gal, Xlarge – sitka spruce – 5 gal